Understanding The Purification Process Of Vedgama Packaged Drinking Water

Explore how we turn pure water into a refreshing experience you can trust. We start with pristine sources and use advanced methods like reverse osmosis and ozonation to ensure safety and freshness. Our rigorous process removes impurities while preserving natural minerals, all in eco-friendly packaging. At Vedgama, we're committed to delivering clean, pure water that meets your highest standards.

6/28/202410 min read

Clean drinking water is essential for maintaining good health and overall well-being. It is crucial for hydration, supports bodily functions, and helps prevent waterborne diseases. With increasing concerns about water contamination, ensuring access to pure & safe drinking water has become more important than ever.

Vedgama is dedicated to providing the highest quality packaged drinking water, sourced from pristine natural springs and meticulously purified through advanced techniques. Our commitment to purity ensures that every bottle of Vedgama water is safe, refreshing, and beneficial for your health. Through rigorous quality control and sustainable practices, we strive to deliver a superior hydration experience to our customers.

Before it reaches you, what does Vedgama packaged drinking water go through?

Step 1: Sourcing

The journey of Vedgama water begins with sourcing from the most pristine natural springs. These springs are carefully selected for their purity and high mineral content, ensuring that the water is of the finest quality right from the start. By choosing sources in clean, unpolluted environments, we lay the foundation for producing exceptional packaged drinking water.

The importance of selecting pristine sources cannot be overstated. Water from these natural springs is naturally filtered through rock and soil layers, which helps remove impurities and enrich the water with essential minerals. This initial quality reduces the need for extensive artificial purification processes, allowing us to preserve the natural taste and health benefits of the water. At Vedgama, we prioritize the purity of our sources to ensure that every drop of water we bottle is pure, fresh, and full of natural goodness.

Step 2: Preliminary Filtration

After sourcing water from pristine natural springs, the next crucial step in the purification process is preliminary filtration. This step focuses on the removal of large particles and impurities such as leaves, debris, and sediment that may be present in the water.

Preliminary filtration serves as the first line of defence in the purification process, ensuring that the water is free from visible contaminants. This step is vital for maintaining the efficiency and effectiveness of subsequent purification processes by preventing larger particles from clogging or damaging advanced filtration systems.

Step 3: Coagulation and Flocculation

Coagulation and flocculation are essential steps in the water purification process, designed to remove suspended particles and colloidal impurities that are too small to be removed by preliminary filtration alone.

  • Coagulation: This is the process of adding chemical coagulants to the water. These coagulants, typically aluminium or iron salts, neutralize the electrical charges of particles suspended in the water, causing them to clump together into larger particles called flocs.

  • Flocculation: This process involves gentle stirring or mixing to promote the aggregation of the small, coagulated particles into larger flocs. These larger flocs are more easily removed from the water in subsequent steps.

How These Processes Help in Removing Suspended Particles:

  1. Neutralizing Charges:

    • During coagulation, we add special chemicals to the water that neutralize the tiny particles' charges. This helps the particles stop repelling each other and start sticking together.

  2. Creating Flocs:

    • In the flocculation step, we gently mix the water, encouraging the tiny particles to clump together into larger, visible groups called flocs. These bigger clumps are easier to remove from the water.

  3. Making Removal Easier:

    • The larger flocs formed during flocculation can be easily removed by letting them settle at the bottom or filtering them out. This process significantly clears up the water.

  4. Improving Water Quality:

    • By removing these small suspended particles, the overall quality of the water improves. It becomes clearer, safer, and more pleasant to drink.

Through coagulation and flocculation, Vedgama ensures that even the smallest particles are effectively removed, maintaining high standards of purity and quality for our drinking water.

Step 4: Sedimentation

Sedimentation is a key step in the water purification process where the larger particles, or flocs, formed during coagulation and flocculation are allowed to settle at the bottom of a sedimentation tank. This process relies on gravity to naturally separate the heavier particles from the cleaner water.

How Sediments Are Separated from the Water:

  1. Settling Tank:

    • The water, now containing larger flocs, is transferred to a settling tank. This tank is designed to hold the water still, allowing gravity to pull the heavier flocs to the bottom over time.

  2. Formation of a Sludge Layer:

    • As the flocs settle, they form a sludge layer at the bottom of the tank. This layer consists of all the particles and impurities that were coagulated and flocculated.

  3. Clear Water on Top:

    • The cleaner, clearer water remains on top of the sediment layer. This water is then gently siphoned off from the upper part of the tank to proceed to the next stages of purification.

  4. Sludge Removal:

    • The sludge collected at the bottom is periodically removed and treated to ensure that the sedimentation tank remains effective and clean for continuous operation.

Before the water proceeds to subsequent purification stages, Vedgama makes sure that a sizable portion of contaminants and particles are eliminated from it through sedimentation, improving its clarity and quality. Safe and refreshing drinking water delivery depends on this meticulous separation.

Step 5: Advanced Filtration

  1. Sand Filtration:

    • Process: Water flows through a bed of specially graded sand. As the water moves through the sand, smaller particles and impurities get trapped within the sand layers.

    • Benefits: Highly effective in removing suspended solids, turbidity, and certain types of bacteria. It improves the clarity and quality of the water.

  2. Carbon Filtration:

    • Process: Water passes through activated carbon filters. Activated carbon is known for its large surface area and its ability to adsorb contaminants.

    • Benefits: Removes organic compounds, chlorine, and other chemicals that can affect the taste and odor of the water. It also helps in reducing pollutants and certain harmful substances.

  3. Micron Filtration:

    • Process: Water is pushed through a filter membrane with tiny pores, typically ranging from 0.1 to 10 microns in size.

    • Benefits: Captures fine particles, bacteria, and protozoa. It ensures the water is free from even very small contaminants.

  4. Ultrafiltration:

    • Process: Similar to micron filtration but with even smaller pore sizes (0.01 to 0.1 microns).

    • Benefits: Effectively removes viruses, bacteria, and suspended solids, ensuring a high level of purification.

Benefits of These Methods in Further Purifying the Water:

  1. Enhanced Purity:

    • Advanced filtration techniques ensure that even the smallest particles and impurities are removed, resulting in exceptionally pure water.

  2. Improved Taste and Odor:

    • Carbon filtration, in particular, helps in removing chlorine and other chemicals, significantly improving the taste and odor of the water.

  3. Health Benefits:

    • By removing harmful microorganisms and contaminants, advanced filtration methods protect against waterborne diseases and ensure the safety of the water for consumption.

  4. Consistent Quality:

    • These filtration techniques provide a consistent and reliable level of water quality, ensuring that every bottle of Vedgama water meets stringent purity standards.

  5. Comprehensive Contaminant Removal:

    • Advanced filtration addresses a wide range of contaminants, including physical, chemical, and biological impurities, ensuring thorough purification.

Through advanced filtration, We further enhance the quality and safety of Vedgama packaged drinking water, ensuring that it meets the highest standards of purity and taste. This step is crucial in our commitment to delivering clean, refreshing, and healthful water to our customers.

Step 6: Reverse Osmosis

Reverse osmosis (RO) is a highly effective water purification process that uses a semi-permeable membrane to remove dissolved solids, contaminants, and impurities from water. In reverse osmosis, water is forced through the membrane under high pressure, allowing only pure water molecules to pass through while trapping and removing contaminants.

Role of Reverse Osmosis in Removing Dissolved Solids and Contaminants:

  1. Semi-Permeable Membrane:

    • The RO membrane has extremely tiny pores that block larger molecules and ions, such as salts, minerals, and other dissolved solids, as well as contaminants like heavy metals, chemicals, and microorganisms.

  2. High-Pressure Application:

    • Water is pushed through the membrane under high pressure, which helps separate the pure water from the dissolved impurities effectively.

  3. Rejection of Contaminants:

    • Contaminants and dissolved solids are left behind and flushed away, resulting in highly purified water that is free from a wide range of impurities.

Importance of Reverse Osmosis in Ensuring Purity:

  1. Comprehensive Contaminant Removal:

    • Reverse osmosis is capable of removing up to 99% of dissolved salts, minerals, and other impurities, making it one of the most thorough purification methods available. This includes harmful substances such as lead, arsenic, fluoride, nitrates, and chlorine.

  2. Enhanced Water Quality:

    • By eliminating dissolved solids and contaminants, RO significantly improves the taste, odour, and overall quality of the water. This ensures that Vedgama water is not only safe but also pleasant to drink.

  3. Health Protection:

    • The removal of harmful contaminants protects against potential health risks associated with drinking impure water. RO provides an additional layer of safety, ensuring that the water is free from harmful substances.

  4. Consistency and Reliability:

    • RO systems consistently produce high-quality water regardless of the initial water source. This reliability is crucial in maintaining the stringent purity standards that Vedgama upholds.

  5. Foundation for Further Purification:

    • The high level of purification achieved through reverse osmosis provides a solid foundation for subsequent purification steps, such as UV disinfection and ozonation, ensuring comprehensive water treatment.

Through reverse osmosis, Vedgama ensures that our packaged drinking water is of the highest purity, free from dissolved solids and contaminants. This step is essential in our commitment to delivering safe, clean, and refreshing water to our customers.

Step 8: Ozonation

Ozonation is an advanced water treatment process that involves the infusion of ozone gas into water to disinfect and purify it. Ozone (O3) is a powerful oxidizing agent that effectively eliminates bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms present in water.

Process of Ozonation:

  • Ozone Generation: Ozone is generated on-site using specialized ozone generators.

  • Contact Time: The ozone gas is then bubbled through the water, where it rapidly reacts with and destroys organic and inorganic contaminants.

  • Disinfection: Ozone breaks down into harmless oxygen (O2) after reacting with contaminants, leaving no residual taste or odor.

Benefits of Ozonation in Maintaining Water Quality:

  1. Effective Disinfection:

    • Ozone is highly effective in destroying a wide range of pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, and protozoa. It provides superior disinfection compared to traditional chemical disinfectants like chlorine.

  2. Removal of Organic Compounds:

    • Ozonation helps in breaking down and removing organic compounds, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and other chemical contaminants that may be present in water.

  3. No Harmful By-products:

    • Unlike chlorine, ozonation does not produce harmful disinfection by-products (DBPs) such as trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs), which can pose health risks.

  4. Enhanced Taste and Odor Control:

    • Ozonation improves the aesthetic qualities of water by reducing or eliminating unpleasant tastes and odours caused by organic compounds and microbial contaminants.

  5. Environmentally Friendly:

    • Ozone is a natural and environmentally friendly disinfectant. It does not leave any chemical residues in the water and breaks down into oxygen, contributing to sustainability efforts.

  6. Comprehensive Water Treatment:

    • Ozonation complements other water treatment processes by providing an additional layer of protection against microbiological and chemical contaminants. It ensures that Vedgama water is safe, pure, and of the highest quality.

By incorporating ozonation into our purification process, Vedgama maintains the highest standards of water quality and safety, ensuring that our packaged drinking water is clean, fresh, and healthful for our customers.

Step 10: Quality Testing

At Vedgama, we adhere to rigorous testing procedures throughout our production process to ensure that our packaged drinking water consistently meets stringent safety and quality standards. These procedures involve comprehensive testing at various stages from sourcing to bottling.

1. Source Water Testing:

  • Before extraction, we conduct thorough tests on the source water to assess its initial quality and purity. This includes testing for microbiological contaminants, chemical pollutants, and mineral composition.

2. In-Process Monitoring:

  • Throughout the purification process, we implement continuous monitoring and sampling to verify the effectiveness of each purification step. This ensures that any deviations from quality parameters are promptly identified and corrected.

3. Finished Product Testing:

  • After purification and before bottling, we perform extensive testing on the finished product to confirm compliance with regulatory standards and internal specifications. This includes:

    • Microbiological Testing: Ensures absence of harmful bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms.

    • Chemical Analysis: Checks for levels of dissolved solids, minerals, heavy metals, and chemical contaminants.

    • Taste and Odor Evaluation: Assesses sensory attributes to ensure the water is pleasant and free from any undesirable characteristics.

Frequency and Types of Tests Conducted:

  • Daily Monitoring: Parameters such as pH levels, turbidity, and chlorine levels are monitored daily to maintain consistent quality.

  • Microbiological Testing: Conducted at regular intervals (e.g., daily or weekly) to ensure water is free from pathogens.

  • Chemical Analysis: Conducted periodically (e.g., monthly) to assess levels of minerals and contaminants.

  • Comprehensive Compliance Testing: Periodic testing (e.g., quarterly) to ensure compliance with regulatory standards and customer expectations.

Continuous Improvement:

  • We continuously review and update our testing protocols to incorporate the latest scientific advancements and regulatory requirements. This commitment to quality assurance allows us to deliver safe, pure, and high-quality drinking water to our customers consistently.

Through stringent quality testing, Vedgama ensures that every bottle of our packaged drinking water meets the highest standards of safety, purity, and freshness, providing peace of mind to our consumers.

Step 11: Bottling and Packaging

At Vedgama, the bottling process is conducted under strict hygienic conditions to ensure the integrity and safety of our packaged drinking water. Here’s an overview of our bottling process:

  1. Preparation:

    • Bottles are thoroughly cleaned and sanitized before use to prevent any contamination.

  2. Filling:

    • Purified water is carefully transferred into the bottles using automated filling machines. This process minimizes human contact with the water, maintaining its purity.

  3. Sealing:

    • Bottles are securely sealed to prevent any external contaminants from entering.

  4. Labelling:

    • Each bottle is labelled with accurate information regarding product details, expiry dates, and batch numbers.

  5. Quality Control:

    • Throughout the bottling process, quality control checks are conducted to ensure that all bottles meet Vedgama’s quality standards.

Use of Eco-Friendly Packaging by Vedgama:

Vedgama is committed to environmental sustainability and uses eco-friendly packaging solutions for our bottled water products. Here’s how we incorporate eco-friendly practices:

  1. Recyclable Materials:

    • We use PET (polyethylene terephthalate) bottles that are widely recyclable. Encouraging recycling helps reduce environmental impact.

  2. Lightweight Design:

    • Our bottles are designed to be lightweight, minimizing the amount of plastic used per bottle and reducing transportation emissions.

  3. Minimalist Labeling:

    • Labels are designed to use minimal ink and materials, further reducing environmental footprint.

  4. Sustainable Practices:

    • We continuously explore and implement sustainable practices throughout our operations, aiming to reduce waste and promote environmental stewardship.

By ensuring a hygienic bottling process and adopting eco-friendly packaging solutions, Vedgama not only maintains the highest standards of product quality but also contributes to environmental conservation efforts. We are committed to providing safe, refreshing drinking water while minimizing our environmental footprint.


Throughout the purification process, Vedgama prioritizes every step to ensure that our packaged drinking water meets the highest standards of safety, purity, and refreshment. From sourcing pristine water from natural springs to utilizing advanced filtration techniques like reverse osmosis and ozonation, each stage is meticulously designed to eliminate impurities and contaminants effectively.

Vedgama’s commitment to providing safe, pure, and refreshing water is unwavering. Rigorous quality testing at multiple stages guarantees that every bottle of Vedgama water is free from harmful microorganisms, chemicals, and unwanted tastes or odours. This dedication extends to our eco-friendly bottling practices, ensuring that our packaging is not only hygienic but also sustainable.

We invite you to trust Vedgama for your hydration needs, knowing that each sip of our water reflects our dedication to quality and your well-being.